Image Analysis¶

This Jupyter Notebook processes the necessary files A and B generated from various processing scripts in various phases of the pipeline. The result of this notebook when executed will result in the generation of Figure 3 as described in the paper.

Figure 3 in the paper contains 2 separate subfigures which are enumerated below:

  • 3(a): Wordcloud of ALT text in Images found in the Notebooks
  • 3(b): Histogram showing the classification of the images in the notebooks.

Required Libraries:¶

  • json
  • matplotlib
  • pandas
  • seaborn
  • wordcloud
In [1]:
import json
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas
import seaborn as sns
from wordcloud import WordCloud

matplotlib.rcParams.update({'font.size': 20, 'pdf.fonttype': 42, 'ps.fonttype': 42})

Figure 3(a): Wordcloud of ALT text in images found in the notebooks¶

In [2]:
alt = ''
df = pandas.read_csv('data_out/nb_processed_cell_html.csv', converters={'alt_text': json.loads})
In [3]:
for word in df['alt_text'].tolist():
    if len(word) <= 0:
    alt = alt + " ".join(word)
In [4]:
fig3a_description = """Figure 3(a) presents a word cloud of the alt text descriptions present in the notebooks 
which mostly contain words that are not helpful to screen reader users such as the word image, alt, or png. 
The words Colab and Open also occur at high frequencies dominating the word cloud's central display."""
In [5]:
altCloud = WordCloud(background_color="white", max_words=200, contour_width=3, collocations = False, contour_color='steelblue')
altcloud_svg = altCloud.to_svg(embed_font=True)

f = open('plot_out/fig-3a-alt-text-wordcloud.svg', 'w')

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=1, figsize=(16, 9))
plt.savefig('plot_out/fig-3a-alt-text-wordcloud.pdf', bbox_inches='tight')
            metadata={'alt': fig3a_description},
No description has been provided for this image
WARNING: 💡 Please Note that every execution of the above script will generate a different visual output but will contain the same insights

Figure 3(a) presents a word cloud of the alt text descriptions present in the notebooks which mostly contain words that are not helpful to screen reader users such as the word image, alt, or png. The words Colab and Open also occur at high frequencies dominating the word cloud's central display.

Figure 3(b): Classification of Images used in the notebooks¶

In [6]:
# Load the model results file which is the output of the FC-CNN+FV-CNN Classification

model_results = pandas.read_csv('./data_out/model-results.csv')
Name NotebookName Category
0 data-100k/base64Images/00014130779110127e4663c... data-100k/base64Images/00014130779110127e4663c... Bar plots
1 data-100k/base64Images/00014130779110127e4663c... data-100k/base64Images/00014130779110127e4663c... Area chart
2 data-100k/base64Images/00014130779110127e4663c... data-100k/base64Images/00014130779110127e4663c... Line Chart
3 data-100k/base64Images/00014130779110127e4663c... data-100k/base64Images/00014130779110127e4663c... Line Chart
4 data-100k/base64Images/00014130779110127e4663c... data-100k/base64Images/00014130779110127e4663c... Bubble Chart
... ... ... ...
340713 data-100k/base64Images/fffd4c1669082d48e561ce5... data-100k/base64Images/fffd4c1669082d48e561ce5... Line Chart
340714 data-100k/base64Images/fffd885a4df5d69c9f709a2... data-100k/base64Images/fffd885a4df5d69c9f709a2... Line Chart
340715 data-100k/base64Images/fffe21dde7d18843cef438c... data-100k/base64Images/fffe21dde7d18843cef438c... Area chart
340716 data-100k/base64Images/fffe21dde7d18843cef438c... data-100k/base64Images/fffe21dde7d18843cef438c... Confusion matrix
340717 data-100k/base64Images/fffe21dde7d18843cef438c... data-100k/base64Images/fffe21dde7d18843cef438c... Area chart

340718 rows × 3 columns

In [7]:
category_counts = model_results['Category'].value_counts().to_dict()
category_count_data = [[k, v] for k, v in category_counts.items()]

category_df = pandas.DataFrame(data=category_count_data, columns=['Type of Chart', 'Number of Images'])
category_df['p'] = category_df['Number of Images'] / category_df['Number of Images'].sum() * 100.0
category_df['psum'] = category_df['p'].cumsum()
Type of Chart Number of Images p psum
0 Line Chart 75874 22.268856 22.268856
1 Histogram 42970 12.611603 34.880458
2 Box plot 32229 9.459142 44.339600
3 Confusion matrix 30502 8.952271 53.291872
4 Scatter plot 28619 8.399615 61.691487
5 Area chart 23966 7.033969 68.725456
6 Natural images 20565 6.035783 74.761240
7 Bar plots 17436 5.117428 79.878668
8 Bubble Chart 15796 4.636092 84.514760
9 Heat map 7576 2.223540 86.738300
10 Mask 5963 1.750128 88.488427
11 Block diagram 4258 1.249714 89.738141
12 Contour plot 4044 1.186905 90.925047
13 Vector plot 3836 1.125858 92.050904
14 Geographic map 3599 1.056299 93.107203
15 Surface plot 3106 0.911604 94.018807
16 Medical images 2995 0.879026 94.897833
17 Sketches 2499 0.733451 95.631285
18 Pie chart 2230 0.654500 96.285785
19 Tree Diagram 2228 0.653913 96.939698
20 Algorithm 2146 0.629846 97.569544
21 Pareto charts 2098 0.615758 98.185303
22 Tables 1473 0.432322 98.617625
23 Venn Diagram 1308 0.383895 99.001520
24 3D objects 1291 0.378906 99.380426
25 Flow chart 1004 0.294672 99.675098
26 Radar chart 780 0.228928 99.904026
27 Polar plot 327 0.095974 100.000000
In [8]:
fig3b_description = """Figure 3(b) is a histogram whose x axis contains the categories of classification of images 
in the dataset after inference through the FC-CNN+FV-CNN model, and y axis represents the total counts of images 
over a log scale. The sum of all vertical bars indicating different categories ranked in descending order of usage 
popularity result in the total 340718 images. The figure contains an alternate y axis to the right side of the 
graph indicating the CDF of the number of images over all categories. Over 75 percentage of the images are 
classified into 7 types (Line chart, histogram, box plot, confusion matrix, scatter plot, area chart, and natural 
In [9]:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=1, figsize=(16, 7))
ax2 = ax.twinx()

total_images = category_df['Number of Images'].sum()
num_categories = len(set(category_df['Type of Chart'].tolist()))
category_df['cumsum'] = category_df['Number of Images'].cumsum() / total_images

sns.barplot(data=category_df, x="Type of Chart", y="Number of Images", ax=ax)
sns.lineplot(data=category_df, x="Type of Chart", color='magenta', y="cumsum", label='CDF', linewidth=4, linestyle='--', ax=ax2)
ax.set_xlabel(f'Classification of Figures ({num_categories} Categories) using the FC-CNN+FV-CNN Model', fontsize=18)
ax.set_ylabel(f'Number of Images $(N={total_images})$', fontsize=18)
ax2.set_ylabel(f'CDF of Number of Images', fontsize=18)
ax2.grid(True, alpha=0.5)
ax2.set(ylim=(0, 1.1))
ax.set(ylim=(100, 100000))
ax.tick_params(axis='x', rotation=90)
plt.savefig(f'./plot_out/fig-3b-image_classification_with_cdf.pdf', bbox_inches='tight')
            metadata={'alt': fig3b_description},
No description has been provided for this image

Figure 3(b) is a histogram whose x axis contains the categories of classification of images in the dataset after inference through the FC-CNN+FV-CNN model, and y axis represents the total counts of images over a log scale. The sum of all vertical bars indicating different categories ranked in descending order of usage popularity result in the total 340718 images. The figure contains an alternate y axis to the right side of the graph indicating the CDF of the number of images over all categories. Over 75 percentage of the images are classified into 7 types (Line chart, histogram, box plot, confusion matrix, scatter plot, area chart, and natural images).