Notebook Navigability

This Jupyter notebook reproduces the results in Figure 5 of the paper which contains two subfigures and relies on the data_out/nb_first_interactive_cell.csv intermediate dataset from the processing pipeline.

Figure 5 in the paper contains 2 separate subfigures which are enumerated below:

  • 5(a): Heatmap showing the cell position of the first heading element and its level from 0th to 10th cell in the notebook
  • 5(b): Line chart showing the cell position of the first table present in notebooks with a navigable table, by excluding notebooks with no tables

Required Libraries

  • matplotlib
  • numpy
  • os
  • pandas
  • seaborn
In [1]:
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy
import os
import pandas
import seaborn as sns

from matplotlib.colors import LogNorm

matplotlib.rcParams.update({'pdf.fonttype': 42, 'ps.fonttype': 42})
In [2]:
df = pandas.read_csv('data_out/nb_first_interactive_cell.csv')
df['SequenceNumber'] = df['SequenceNumber'] + 1
Filename H SequenceNumber HLevel T TSequenceNumber TDetail
0 serve/light/0da910e07f879f767a4854da9d8edbcda2... Heading 1.0 1.0 NaN NaN NaN
1 serve/light/06658bdce9e03ef4b87a51deb33bda002a... Heading 1.0 1.0 NaN NaN NaN
2 serve/light/505afc3b274e1b0ef3579349ed1ad0a411... Heading 1.0 1.0 NaN NaN NaN
3 serve/light/6e27cc2db681d4e59de933fa96082a0fa1... Heading 1.0 1.0 NaN NaN NaN
4 serve/light/1c5237444b03bfdf01af1100967a702097... Heading 1.0 1.0 NaN NaN NaN
In [3]:
data = df[(df['H'] == 'Heading')].groupby(['HLevel', 'SequenceNumber']).agg({'SequenceNumber': 'count'})

table_data = df[(df['T'] == 'Table')].groupby('TSequenceNumber').agg({'TSequenceNumber': 'count'})
df.columns = ["_".join(x) for x in df.columns.ravel()]

Apendix Figure (8): Cell Distance to First Interactive Element

In [4]:
fig8_description = """
Figure 8 represents a heatmap containing the frequency of headings existing at a cell location of the first 
occurence of a heading and its corresponding level. The figure uses different shades of grey color as the color 
coding, where the x axis represents the 6 heading levels (i.e, H1, H2, H3 and etc.) and the y axis represents 
the numbers starting from 0 to 197 representing the first 198 cells in total of a notebook. The heatmap contains 
the highest number 28414 coded as black at the top left corner and is surrounded by smaller numbers in lighter 
gradients of grey to its right and bottom indicating the occurence of a heading level 2 at cell 0 being more 
than the occurence of heading level 1 at cell 1. All the empty boxes without numbers on tops indicating no 
data such as showing on most of H5 and H6 starting from cell 26."""
In [5]:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=1, figsize=(16, 16))
g = sns.heatmap(data.unstack('HLevel'),
            cmap=sns.color_palette('Greys', 10),
            xticklabels=['<H1>', '<H2>', '<H3>', '<H4>', '<H5>', '<H6>'],
hatches = ["+"]
for hatch, patch in zip(hatches, g.artists):
ax.set_xlabel('Heading Element and Corresponding Level', fontsize=14)
ax.set_ylabel('Notebook Cell Sequence Number with First Navigable Element', fontsize=14)
plt.savefig('plot_out/fig-a-hlevel_heatmap_detailed.pdf', bbox_inches='tight')
            metadata={'alt': fig8_description},
No description has been provided for this image

Figure 8 represents a heatmap containing the frequency of headings existing at a cell location of the first occurence of a heading and its corresponding level. The figure uses different shades of grey color as the color coding, where the x axis represents the 6 heading levels (i.e, H1, H2, H3 and etc.) and the y axis represents the numbers starting from 0 to 197 representing the first 198 cells in total of a notebook. The heatmap contains the highest number 28414 coded as black at the top left corner and is surrounded by smaller numbers in lighter gradients of grey to its right and bottom indicating the occurence of a heading level 2 at cell 0 being more than the occurence of heading level 1 at cell 1. All the empty boxes without numbers on tops indicating no data such as showing on most of H5 and H6 starting from cell 26.

Figure 5(a): First Navigable Heading Element

In [6]:
fig5a_description = """Figure 5(a) represents the derived heatmap above containing the frequency of headings existing at a cell 
location of the first occurence of a heading and its corresponding level. The figure is color coded with the 
Blues color map where the x axis indicates the 6 heading levels and the y axis indicates the numbers starting 
from 0 to 10 representing the first 11 cells of a notebook. The heatmap contains the highest number 28414 coded 
as dark navy blue at the top left corner and is surrounded by smaller numbers in lighter gradients of blue to its right 
and bottom indicating the occurence of a heading level 2 at cell 0 being more than the occurence of heading 
level 1 at cell 1. There are two holes indicating no data for H5 at cell 8, 10 and similarly for H6 at cell 8, 10."""
In [7]:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=1, figsize=(9, 9))
unstacked_data = data.unstack('HLevel')
unstacked_data = unstacked_data.filter(items=[0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10], axis=0)
            cmap=sns.color_palette("Blues", 10),
            xticklabels=['H1', 'H2', 'H3', 'H4', 'H5', 'H6'],
ax.set_xlabel('Heading Element and Corresponding Level', fontsize=16)
ax.set_ylabel('Notebook Cell Sequence Number with First Navigable Element', fontsize=16)
plt.savefig('plot_out/fig-5a-hlevel_heatmap_top_10.pdf', bbox_inches='tight')
            metadata={'alt': fig5a_description},
No description has been provided for this image

Figure 5(a) represents the derived heatmap of the above (i.e., figure 8) containing the frequency of headings existing at a cell location of the first occurence of a heading and its corresponding level. The figure is color coded with the Blues color map where the x axis indicates the 6 heading levels and the y axis indicates the numbers starting from 0 to 10 representing the first 11 cells of a notebook. The heatmap contains the highest number 28414 coded as darkest blue at the top left corner and is surrounded by smaller numbers in lighter gradients of blue to its right and bottom indicating the occurence of a heading level 2 at cell 0 being more than the occurence of heading level 1 at cell 1. There are two holes indicating no data for H5 at cell 8, 10 and similarly for H6 at cell 8, 10.

Figure 5(b): Position of the first navigable table

In [8]:
fig5b_description = """Figure 5(b), represents the line chart indicating the frequency of the position of the 
first navigable table in a notebook. THe line chart's x axis is a log scale representation of the cell position 
in a noteook, and the y axis indicates the number of notebooks with navigable table elements. The line starts 
at x=1 and y=1100 and rises up towards 2500 at x=3 and falls sharply until x=10 with a long almost flat tail 
distribtion until cell 200.
In [9]:
table_data_dict = {}
for index, row in table_data.iterrows():
    table_data_dict[index] = row['TSequenceNumber']

index_keys = sorted(table_data_dict.keys())

X = []
Y = []
for k in index_keys:

sns.set(rc={"xtick.bottom" : True, "axes.facecolor": "white", "axes.edgecolor": 'black', 'grid.color': 'gray'})

fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=1)
ax.plot(X, Y)
ax.set_ylabel('Number of Notebooks with Navigable Tables')
ax.set_xlabel('Cell Position of First Navigable Table in Notebook')
ax.grid(True, linestyle='--', alpha=0.4)
plt.savefig('plot_out/fig-5b-table_notebook_first_position.pdf', bbox_inches='tight')
            metadata={'alt': fig5b_description},
No description has been provided for this image

Figure 5(b), represents the line chart indicating the frequency of the position of the first navigable table in a notebook. THe line chart's x axis is a log scale representation of the cell position in a noteook, and the y axis indicates the number of notebooks with navigable table elements. The line starts at x=1 and y=1100 and rises up towards 2500 at x=3 and falls sharply until x=10 with a long almost flat tail distribtion until cell 200.